There’s no joy like picking homegrown produce to use in the kitchen to create tasty meals. Seeing the plants grow and finish on your plate is a wonderful journey. Find out how to bake a rhubarb and strawberry crumble using my handy recipe card.
Growing strawberries
Strawberries are very easy to grow, and can be grown almost anywhere, whether you have a balcony with a window box or hanging basket, patio garden or a large growing space. Plants can be bought as potted plants or as bare-root runners.
In March to April, plant the strawberry plants and water them frequently to help them settle into their new space. When watering, water the soil directly rather than the crowns and fruit because this can lead to diseases.
Position them in a place with fertile, well-drained soil, sun, and shelter.
Then, to encourage growth and fruiting, it’s important to feed with the right feed at the right time. In early spring, feed with a general fertiliser. During growing season, apply a liquid potash feed such as tomato feed every week or two.
Growing rhubarb
You can grow rhubarb from seed, but it’s much easier to plant a dormant crown. These are taken from strong plants and will establish faster. Alternatively, you can buy pot-grown rhubarb.
Rhubarb will grow happily in a container, but it has a large root system and will need a deep pot.
Plant in a sunny spot with moist but well-drained soil, that has been prepared with plenty of organic matter.
Rhubarb & strawberry crumble recipe
Use this handy printable recipe card to bake a delicious rhubarb and strawberry crumble to add to your dessert menu
So, try growing something new with the outlook to use the fruits and veg to make delicious dishes like this dessert.
David Domoney is a Chartered Horticulturalist, Broadcaster, and Author. David has worked with a number of the UK’s leading garden retailers as a plant buyer and strategic consultant. With more than 30 years experience, in horticulture, David is as passionate about plants now as he was when he bought his first plant at a village fete.
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