Give houseplants a holiday by bringing them outdoors over the summer. It can help houseplants to give them some seasonal sunlight and more air circulation by temporarily bringing them outdoors.

Why to bring houseplants outdoors

Bringing houseplants outdoors for the summer can benefit certain types for different reasons. Showers of rain can help to rid the leaves of any debris. Although, of course it’s still important to clean houseplant leaves regularly with a cloth and water.

The increase in light intensity will also encourage new and healthy growth.


Houseplant holidays

However, not all plants will benefit from the change in scenery. The climate of some areas isn’t right for tender plants like orchids, so these tend to be kept indoors.

The native environments of many houseplants differ slightly, but a lot of them grow on the forest floor. This means they get the heat and are under a canopy of tall trees. Therefore, just like indoors, try to mimic their environment by keeping plants in a spot where the light intensity is just right.

Cacti, succulents, crotons, snake plants, Monstera, and begonias are among the houseplants that can be brought outdoors for the sunnier months.


When & how?

The important thing to remember is to not just bring the houseplants outside straight away. Instead, they should be prepared by acclimatising or hardening them off. When the risk of frosts is over, waiting an extra couple of weeks is best to ensure that your houseplants are at less risk of developing a chill.

It’s also worth bearing in mind that if your garden is an exposed or coastal site, bringing out your houseplants a little later is ideal.

Get your houseplants ready for their holiday by placing them in a sheltered spot for the day and bringing them indoors at night for 2 weeks, then they can be left outdoors for the rest of the summer.


Take care

This is a good time to check whether your houseplants are rootbound or if they need to be repotted into a slightly bigger container.

Leaving houseplants outside to the elements isn’t the point of moving them outdoors. They’ll still need regular watering because they can dry out quicker in containers, especially if we’re experiencing long, dry spells.

When watering it’s also helpful to feed with a houseplant feed for a nutrient boost for healthy, strong growth.

Keep an eye out for aphids and other pests, especially before bringing back indoors and mixing with other houseplants again.

When it comes to bring your houseplants back inside before the risk of frost returns do a quick check for pests as well as dead, damaged, and diseased foliage.


Give your houseplants a holiday by bringing them outdoors for summer. With the right care and attention your indoor plants can thrive with a boost of summer sun, circulation and summer showers.

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