David Domoney

Category: Appearances

David Domoney is a Television Presenter and Chartered Horticulturalist who presents on several ITV programmes and also speaks at public events.

  • Launching the Gardening for Life campaign at Binley Wood school

    Launching the Gardening for Life campaign at Binley Wood school

    David Domoney Hozelock Binley Wood

    I went to Binley Wood School in Coventry to visit their marvellous school garden and talk to the pupils about growing their own fruit and veg.

    We planted young tomato plants in their greenhouse, and I showed them the best way to water their new plants. It was fantastic to meet all the pupils and staff who have worked so hard on their school garden.

    Together, we launched Hozelock’s Gardening for Life Campaign, an initiative to get kids to spend more time in the garden.

    A survey by Parentdish for Littlewoods found that 47% of British children spend less than two hours a day outside, which for me is a saddening statistic.

    Read why I believe gardening is so important for children.

    Gardening is a great hobby for people of all ages, but it’s particularly special for children. It’s a fun and healthy activity, plus it’s magical to see children’s sense of wonderment and satisfaction as they watch plants grow.

    Gardening for Life is a great campaign to get more children into gardening, plus it’s an easy way to keep them occupied in the school holidays!

    I’m always encouraging people to get children gardening – they love it!

    Find out more about the Get Your Grown-ups Growing school gardening campaign.

  • Appearance at Longacres Garden Centre with Jacuzzi

    Appearance at Longacres Garden Centre with Jacuzzi


    I will be giving a talk about unusual feeding techniques at Longacres Garden Centre in Bagshot, Surrey. The day is being hosted in association with Jacuzzi.

    Come along to find out how I recycle household objects in the garden, giving me free plant food, cheap tools and super quick garden shortcuts!

    Refreshments are available throughout the day, so come along and say hello!


    Longacres Garden Centre, London Road, Bagshot, Surrey, GU19 5JB

    Saturday 7 June

    Talks at 11am and 2pm.

  • Chocolate Garden at the Ideal Home Show

    David Domoney Chocolate Garden Ideal Home Show

    In 2010 I built the world’s first chocolate garden at the Ideal Home Show. I wanted to show people how much plants influence our lives – chocolate comes from a plant, after all!

    Did you know that when you open up a ripe, purple cocoa pods, the cocoa beans inside are a deep purple colour – the exact colour of Cadbury’s Dairy Milk wrappers!

    David Domoney Chocolate Garden Ideal Home Show

    The Chocolate Garden took a team of eight people, including professional chocolatiers, to build. We were molding, sculpting, spraying and painting melted milk chocolate for three weeks! Some structures are solid chocolate, and others have a wire frame for support.

    We had great fun making gravel out of chocolate chips and edging from bars too!

    David Domoney Chocolate Garden Ideal Home Show

    David Domoney Chocolate Garden Ideal Home Show

    David Domoney Chocolate Garden Ideal Home Show