David Domoney

Category: TV

David Domoney is a Television Presenter and Horticulturalist. David has presented on several popular prime time and daytime tv shows for ITV.

  • Love Your Garden Series 4 Episode 5: Before and after photos

    Love Your Garden Series 4 Episode 5: Before and after photos

    So what did you think to last night’s show? (If you missed it, get on ITVPlayer now!)

    Here’s what the garden looked like when we got there!

    Love Your Garden ITV episode 5 garden before the makeover the Woods family


    And here’s the finished article!

    Finished garden after Love Your Garden makeover with Alan Titchmarsh series 4 episode 5


    I loved the boat seating area!

    Boat in seaside garden in Devon for series 4 Love Your Garden on ITV


    Finished garden in Devon for the Woods family on new series of Love Your Garden ITV1 8pm


    Lavender and boat in coastal garden coast of Devon based on French seaside on Love Your Garden


    The driftwood was great for a giving a low-maintenance coastal look.

    Boat seating area in new series of Love Your Garden by the coast

  • Love Your Garden series 4 episode 5: Behind the scenes photos

    Love Your Garden series 4 episode 5: Behind the scenes photos

    You’ve seen the show, now check out what happens behind the scenes!

    (Missed it? Watch it on ITVPlayer now!)

    David Domoney recording a voiceover in the SpunGold studio for Love Your Garden 2014

    When you hear my disembodied voice on the show saying “and now we’re doing this or going there”, it’s actually a voiceover that’s recorded separately to the filming. I go down to London regularly to record it in a studio near Oxford Circus.


    Photo through a wooden pallet during filming of Love Your Garden at Capel Manor College Gardens

    This is a picture taken through a wooden pallet. We are on location at Capel Manor College near Enfield, and Frances and I are making furniture out of old pallets. It was a tough day because it rained on and off, but we had great fun creating a table and some planters from recycled wood.


    France Tophill hiding in her coat during filming at Capel Manor for Love Your Garden

    As usual when we are on site, it poured down with rain in between takes and the team had to seek cover! Here is Frances, wet and freezing cold, using her coat as last resort to keep herself dry.


    Love Your Garden Sound technicians Grant and Matt

    Back on the main garden site, here is Matt and Grant, our two sound guys, who are posing for the camera. They’ve known each other for years and worked together on loads of projects. Now by chance, they have ended up together on Love Your Garden!


    Guy painting a fence panel covered in paint on Love Your Garden series 4 episode 5

    Here is Guy painting a fence panel, and it looks like some cheeky seagulls have been using his back as a toilet! We’re by the seaside in Devon, and the birds are everywhere. Actually it’s just splashes of paint – well that’s what he says, anyway!


    Love Your Garden team sit down for lunch in wheelbarrows on the set of new series 4 episode 5

    Here is Alice, our director and Max, our associate producer having lunch. They are using the only furniture available to rest for their ‘sit-down meal’. Meanwhile, I’m sitting in the gutter by the side of the road! Apparently there weren’t enough wheelbarrows for us all to use as chairs, and they got them first, the lucky things!


    lads-from-frosts landscapes on set of Love Your Garden with Alan Titchmarsh having a rest in the shade during the makeover

    This is a group shot of the lads from Frosts Landscapes. From left to right we have Jon, Kevin, Sam, Shaun and Matt. They are having a well-deserved rest after a particularly strenuous makeover in quite hot conditions.


    martyn from Frosts Landscapes sleeping on the set of Love Your Garden behind the scenes photos

    Here is Martyn lying down having a kip. He’s the chief carpenter at the show, and he works really hard, but every now and again he needs to have a little rest!


    Martyn from Frosts Landscapes with suncream on his face on Love Your Garden

    This is Martyn’s warpaint, when he’s got suncream under his eyes and on his nose. He says this is to protect him from being stung by a wasp!


    david-domoney-frances-katie-painting a bottle for French coast garden in Devon for Love Your Garden

    Here is a picture of my painted glass bottle. Each of the presenters had to paint one to put in the garden.


    david domoney painted a glass bottle on Love Your Garden series 4 episode 5

    I painted poppies in a field, using two colours of green with red flowers – I didn’t think it looked too bad actually!


    8-David-Domoney-bank on Love Your Garden with Alan Titchmarsh

    Here I am at the top of the bank where I had to plant the trees to hide the power station. It was hard work getting up there, never mind digging up all the mud and stones that were in there! It was very hot that day and I wore quite a thick shirt, so I was sweltering.



    I was up that tree trying to pull out the ivy and other branches…

    up-tree-view from David Domoney on set of Love Your Garden

    …when I managed to get a photo for you guys of what I could see! I was looking out over the garden, watching everyone else at work.


    frances tophill digging the garden makeover on Love Your Garden

    Poor Frances – whenever I seem to look at her, she’s always got a spade in her hand and is digging over border after border! Here she is preparing this one for the plants that are due to go in.


    katie-painting-drums on Love Your Garden for the French coastal garden

    Katie drew the short straw and ended up painting all of those oil drums to put in the garden as planters. When they were in position, it looked to me more like the funnels off a ship than the French flag!


    cool-canvas guys built the children's play area on Love Your Garden episode 5 series 4

    These lads were from Cool Canvas, and they were a brilliant help. They put in a lot of the children’s play area and the walkthrough, but they stayed an extra day to help us all finish putting it together. Cheers guys!


    group-shot at the end of the coastal garden make over on Love Your Garden for the new series 4 episode 5 with David Domoney, Frances Tophill, Katie Rushworth, Cool Canvas and Frosts Landscapes

    This is a shot of all the group from the makeover. We all got together for a big group photo at the end of the shoot, and it’s a lovely picture.


    strawberries for Wimbledon at Love Your Garden episode 5 series 4

    Wimbledon was on the TV while we were filming, so naturally we were eating strawberries and cream. I’ll have a bit of that! Lovely.

  • Love Your Garden episode 4: Five things we learned and how to get the look

    Love Your Garden episode 4: Five things we learned and how to get the look

    It was another great episode for series 4 – here’s what we learned from the show this week. Plus find out what plants we used to make the most of smaller spaces!

    1 Small gardens are tricky

    Love Your Garden finished make over seating area with stone walls and pebbles

    This was the smallest garden we’ve ever done on the show, but I know that it’s a reality for so many people. I hope we showed that a lack of space does not stop you having a great garden!

    The main thing to remember is to use less hard landscaping materials – two or three will suffice. And don’t fill it with small features! They make it feel disjointed and cluttered. Choose a couple of big, complementary features for much more impact.

    Read my top 10 tips for small gardens here.

    2 There’s no such thing as too many flowers

    Everyone loves flowers, and you can fill your garden with them very easily. It’s not just about beds and borders – plant them in pots, ponds and crevices in walls and patios. For height, try climbers, window boxes and vertical walls. And don’t forget the front garden!

    Plus mix annuals in with your perennials. Annuals are great for instant colour and they are smaller than established perennials, so they don’t compete for root space in the soil. We used poppies, cosmos, nemesia, geraniums and petunias.

    3 You can do lots with a balcony garden

    david Domoney planting a window box container on set of Love Your Garden 2014

    No space is too small to host a garden! Make it immersive by putting plants and flowers all around you – in containers, up walls and on the floor too! Follow my tip for stunning windowboxes – make holes in the lining and push plants through it to get overflowing colour! Trailing plants like ivy or petunia surfinia are also great for wall containers.

    With smaller spaces, simplicity is key. Stick to a simple colour palette, and choose a range of flowers and foliage that complement each other.

    4 It’s easy to attract butterflies

    They make a great addition to any garden, and the good news is that they love flowers! We used sedum, salvia, lavender, dianthus and philadelphus on the show, but the choice is huge! Butterflies also love thrift, phlox, catmint, marigolds, wallflowers and buddleja, obviously!

    You can also attract them by making a feeder that mimics the nectar they love so much. Find out how here.

    5 Put plants on the roof too

    living green shed-roof on Love your Garden episode 4

    I loved the green roof on the shed! It’s a great way to naturalise your garden structures and improves the view from the bedroom window. Choose low-growing plants that will withstand any wind up there, such as sedum, saxifrage and other alpines.

    Follow Alan’s advice and drench the root ball before you plant them – it will ensure they don’t dry out!

    Looking for the garden features? Check out the Love Your Garden blog for our amazing suppliers and the products we used.