David Domoney

Category: Blog

Blogs, guides, and gardening ideas from TV Gardener and Chartered Horticulturalist David Domoney.

  • Seven things you wouldn’t expect to see at the Chelsea Flower Show

    Seven things you wouldn’t expect to see at the Chelsea Flower Show

    Trees. Flowers. Gardens. You know what to expect from Chelsea. But if you look closely, you’ll see there’s more to the show than first meets the eye. Here are my favourites.



    Hardly a staple of British gardening. I saw a huge gorilla statue covered in delicate pink rosebuds lying on a piano, with another just behind it made of black mussel shells.




    In a similar vein, check out this six foot dinosaur! Those are some pretty sharp shell teeth!

    Garden robot


    You can’t tell from the picture, but this robot’s arms move up and down, and its eyes flash. It’s great fun – I think every garden should get one.

    Dogs on leads


    Stone dogs are a regular sight on garden gates, but I like the twist on these – metal leads. Surely a guard dog on a leash is much less threatening than one that’s free to chase you!

    Bull beer holder


    A brightly coloured metal bull statue is already an odd thing to see at Chelsea. But one filled with beer is really different. And also a great idea.

    Ceiling plants


    We’re used to seeing plants on walls, floors, stands and even people at Chelsea. But this year we had plants hanging from the rafters too! There was a lovely Hippeastrum ceiling inside the marquee, and a display of bulbs suspended on string.


    Orange shoes


    Perhaps the most unexpected thing was this pair of orange and silver loafers, spotted on the feet of a very dapper gentleman. Because it’s not just about the gardens, you know!

  • The 10 best black plants and flowers from RHS Chelsea Flower Show

    The 10 best black plants and flowers from RHS Chelsea Flower Show

    Black plants make a great addition to anyone’s garden. They add depth and a new dimension to a planting scheme, and can even look opulent, especially if teamed with purples and reds.

    Some people think of black plants as a bit morbid, but I think they’re mysterious and elegant. Plus it’s nice to have something a bit different and unexpected.

    In truth, they are actually a deep purple rather than black. I used some in my Ace of Spades Chelsea garden in 2010, and they were all over at this year’s Show.

    Here are my top 10 black plants from Chelsea this year:

    Hyacinth Midnight Mystique


    Viola perennis prunella


    Fuchsia Maxima


    Iris Black the Affair


    Ophiopogon nigrescens


    Aeonium Arboreum Schwartzkopf


    Zantedeschia Black Star


    Tulipa Queen of the Night


    Phormium Platt’s Black


    Black dahlia



    Read about my favourite plants at this year’s show, and the weirdest!

  • My 10 favourite plants and flowers from Chelsea Flower Show

    My 10 favourite plants and flowers from Chelsea Flower Show

    I love Chelsea Flower Show. It’s has a fantastic atmosphere, and it’s great to see so many people coming together over a love of horticulture.

    My favourite thing to do is wander around and see all the plants that are on offer. The best place for this is actually inside the pavilion, where the growers set up stands to show off their best produce. They’re always happy to tell you a bit about them too! It’s a great way to pick up tips if you’re not sure how to care for a plant, or if you want to try something new.

    Here are my ten favourite plants from this year’s show:

    Scadoxus Multiflorous

    David Domoney scadoxus

    This has to be my favourite flower this year. It looks like an allium, but it’s actually a scadoxus. It has bold flower heads and snazzy orange petals. I’ll be planting a few in my garden.

    Auricula Star Wars No1

    auricula David Domoney

    What a great name! Auriculas make great houseplants and this one has lovely delicate flowers with rich-coloured edging.

    Daffodil Chromacolour

    daffodils chromacolour

    This daffodil has really bright, unusual colours. It really shone out from the display and will give any garden a burst of spring colour.

    Chrysanthemum Zivena


    Flowers with green petals are a great surprise to have in a flower bed or border. This is a big, bold plant that’s really different.

    Clematis the Countess of Wessex


    Clematis is a classic British plant. Every garden needs a climber for walls and fences, and this is a lovely modern twist on the traditional white flower.

    Read about the best black plants from this year’s show!

    Nectarascordam Tripedale


    I love the delicate pink of these flowers. Pointy petals also bring a sharper edge to your beds and borders.

    Fenella Strawberry


    Who doesn’t love strawberries? They’re incredibly easy to grow in this country – try planting them in a strawberry pot for fresh fruit all summer! Did you know they’re also one of the only fruits whose seeds are on the outside? There were some fabulous displays at Chelsea this year.

    Pinus Mugo


    Bonsai trees never go out of fashion, and this one is a beauty. It’s like a miniature version of a full-sized tree! Plus they’re really easy to care for.

    Check out the weirdest plants at Chelsea this year.

    Fuchsia Wendy Bendy


    Sometimes, you just need a burst of colour. Fuchsia is a fantastic flowering shrub, and this one has big bright blooms. They always make me think of summer.

    Lily Hybrid Tiger Babies


    This is a fantastic bold lily with great colours. It’ll add a wild element to your garden – they always look exotic.