Lavender is a wonderful inclusion in your garden. As a popular perennial in the UK, this delicate Mediterranean plant can be found in many gardens, its fragrance lightening the atmosphere wherever it can be found. It is also a great plant for pollinators! Find out some of Google’s most asked questions about this wonderful plant.

Why is there white foam on lavender?

This is quite a common sight on plants, and whilst it looks quite worrying, it is nothing to panic about.

It isn’t anything produced by the  plant itself, but instead by an insect, the juvenile froghopper. This insect is otherwise known as the spittle bug, and it is easy to see why.

The white foam is to protect the larvae from predators, and stops them from drying out in the heat. This foam enables the larvae to feed safely on the plant as it develops into its adult form.

lavender foam froghopper

Is the foam harmful?

No, this foam is not harmful to the plant.

In fact, you can leave it there as it increases the biodiversity in your garden.

How long does it take to grow lavender?

To give yourself a head start, at this time of year you can buy them from your local garden centre already in bloom!

When buying young plants, they can take 2 to 3 months after planting before it can produce its own flowers. It just depends on how mature the plant is that you have purchased.

You can purchase some softer grown varieties that will live for about 5 years, but harder wood varieties can live up to 15 years.

If you’re unsure what type of lavender plant you have, you could always take pictures of it and ask at your local garden centre.


When do you prune lavender?

The best time to do this, is mid-August, as this is when the flowers are starting to die off.

Remove any of the old stalks, and then give it a light trim of approximately 2.5cm.

If you allow it to grow large, when it rains the stems get weighed down. Trimming it annually means that it is a much tighter display.

What should you plant with lavender?

This question is basically covering what are the best companion plants to grow with lavender. These are plants that like similar growing conditions, and look good next to one another!

Rosemary and sage both have similar growing and maintenance requirements, as they all come from Mediterranean environments. They all tolerate dry soil well, which means they grow well in the same space.

As well as this, they all have wonderful and enjoyable scents, which produces a beautiful perfumed area.

Alliums are also drought resistant, and help to deter pests from the garden, which makes them another great companion plant. These can be grown underneath the lavender so the blooms grow through the lavender foliage.

Sedum also like low-fertility, alkaline soils, but also enjoy drier climates.

The traditional olive tree is another great option, also from the Mediterranean like the lavender. The lavender attracts bees, which also does wonders for your olives.

Rosemary flowering
olive tree

What causes it to droop?

One of the most likely causes for your lavender drooping is overwatering. As the lavender plant is used to drier climates, it needs well-draining soil.

You can allow your plant to dry out between watering as it doesn’t like to sit in water.

Small containers also need root space to grow, so try to plant in a pot with 2 to 3 times the size of the root ball. If they don’t have enough space, this could also cause them to droop.

How tall does lavender grow?

The short English lavender, Lavendula angustifolia, grows between 30-40cm tall.

Mid-English lavender grows between 45-50cm tall, many of these being Lavendula ‘Hidcote’.

Taller English lavender can grow between 75cm and 1m tall, often Lavendula intermedia ‘Sussex’ being a great option for this.

When should you water lavender?

Newly planted lavender plants require watering regularly to get it established.

If you’re growing in a container, you are responsible for all of the watering for that plant. These container plants need watering slightly more regularly than lavender planted in the ground.

When does lavender bloom?

The lavender flowers typically start to appear in late June, and can be enjoyed through to September. This often depends on how mild the season is.

blooming lavender field

Is lavender good for you?

Research shows that it can improve sleep quality!

It is often used for aromatherapy, as research has concluded that it helps with reducing anxiety and stress.

It is also thought to help with acne, as it helps to tackle the bacteria that can cause acne flareups.

What can you use the flowers for?

There are many different options for your lavender flowers.

You can utilise them when you’re cooking, as it adds fantastic flavour to baked goods like cakes. You can even make lavender ice cream!

For a more refreshing option, you could make yourself a lovely Lavender Collins drink. This involves boiling up a mug of lavender flowers, adding some sugar and lemon juice, and then adding your favourite gin. Add some ice and tonic water, and you’ll have a lovely botanical gin drink to enjoy.


Can your lavender be a houseplant?

Outside plants do tend to deteriorate once you try to grow it inside. Lavender would work as a short-term houseplant if you left it on a windowsill, and then could move it outside.

Overall, lavender is best grown in the garden. You could use cut lavender flowers for a floral display for another short-term option.

Which is more fragrant: French or English?

To test the smell, lightly bruise the flowers to tease the perfume out.

French lavender has a much milder scent to English lavender, English lavender has a much stronger perfume.

To find a scent that you like, try the smell test in your local garden centre and find a verity that you enjoy.

lavender hidcote

What is the most fragrant lavender?

Lavendin is technically the most fragrant variety of lavender that you can find. It is a hybrid cross between Lavendula angustifolia and Lavendula latifolia.

This variety is commercially grown as it has a very high yield of lavender oil.

Is lavender good for when you’re pregnant?

It is often used as an essential oil, which is safe for use for those who are pregnant.

Thanks to lavender’s calming properties, it could do wonders for someone with pregnancy symptoms. It’s benefits to anxiety, stress and insomnia would certainly be beneficial!

Lavender is a fantastic and versatile plant to enjoy. If you have any questions about this or any other plant you want me to do a video on, please subscribe to my YouTube channel and leave a comment below one of my Google Questions videos.

For some ideas of what to do with your cut lavender flowers:

A guide to pressing flowers crafting

Or check out my Pinterest board for more ideas: