These small and simple jobs can be done so easily. And they go a long way in helping your tomato plant to stay healthy!

Why should you remove yellow leaves from tomato plants?

When the leaves start turning yellow, it means that they have served their purpose.

They no longer are able to photosynthesise, so by being attached to the plant they are using energy, not producing it.

It is good to remove the foliage from the base of the plant, as these are often not functional.

You will find on tomato plants that these are the ones that tend to go yellow. Removing these save your plant energy and has other benefits.

By removing them, there is more airflow around the base of your plant. This is great because it helps to keep the base and stem of your plant dry. Which is amazing for helping your plant to avoid fungal diseases and mildew.

Additionally, removing the lower leaves allows more room for companion plants. You can grow other vegetables in the same area and the light can get further down without the lower tomato leaves. Plants that are great for growing with tomatoes include beetroot, chard, salad crops, and carrots!


When companion planting, make sure to feed your plants! This will guarantee there is enough nutrition to go around.

Tomato leaves and flowers

Removing the leaves

This is a pretty easy job.

Just look out for any yellowing leaves at the base of your plant.

Pinch them away from the stem, removing them.

You can add this removed foliage to your compost bin so it doesn’t go to waste.

How else can you keep your tomato plant healthy?

When your plant is producing flowers, is when you need to make sure that the plant is getting energy to the right places.

You can do this by making sure your tomato plant is growing up, rather than out. This provides more surface area for your plant to absorb sunlight

To do this, you can remove any side branching through the same process of pinching off.

This will encourage your plant to continue growing up rather than outward and spare energy for the growing fruit.

Once your tomato plant has approximately 4 or 5 sets of flowers, you can pinch out the top of the plant to prevent any more. This is because your tomato plant will produce better fruit if it has more energy.

Also, any extra fruit at the top of the tomato plant may not have enough time during the growing season to produce properly. It is better to save energy for a healthier crop.

These simple tips can help your tomato plant to avoid fungal disease and mildew, and produce a healthier tomato harvest!

Ready how to grow tomato plants from the very beginning:


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