Make the most of overripe bananas by creating tasty pancakes, whether it’s Shrove Tuesday or any other day. These banana pancakes are sweet with a fluffy American-style texture. Here’s how to make them…
Benefits of bananas
Bananas are an excellent source of fibre, potassium, and vitamins such as B6 and C. They are a great part of a balanced diet, and a rich source of carbohydrates. The composition of carbohydrates depends on the ripeness of the fruit. These mainly occur as starch in unripe bananas and sugar in ripe ones.
The potassium in bananas promotes a healthy heart and normal blood pressure which can decrease the risk of heart disease.
Banana pancakes recipe card
Rather than throwing very ripe bananas into the compost bin to make compost, keep them to make banana pancakes – and then throw the skin into the compost bin.
Serve them as breakfast or brunch as a sweet treat, topping them with any fruit and nuts that you desire. Banana and maple syrup with a sprinkle of pecan nuts is delicious. Or go for a berry bonanza with blueberries, blackberries, and raspberries.
Growing bananas
These fruits need months of heat and sun to ripen, which is why they’re not grown in the UK. Banana plants can be grown, however it’s incredibly rare that they fruit. However, if you do want to grow them for the foliage, Musa will bring a bold, tropical and dramatic addition to borders.
Bananas aren’t very tolerant of cold weather, so will benefit from being brought inside during winter. However, Musa basjoo (Japanese banana) will happily grow outside in a sheltered garden.
Pancakes aren’t just for Shrove Tuesday. Gather your very ripe bananas and rustle up these banana pancakes in just 15 minutes. Let me know how the banana pancakes go down in your house in the comments or over on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
David Domoney is a Chartered Horticulturalist, Broadcaster, and Author. David has worked with a number of the UK’s leading garden retailers as a plant buyer and strategic consultant. With more than 30 years experience, in horticulture, David is as passionate about plants now as he was when he bought his first plant at a village fete.
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