Twelve neighbours on a terraced road near the Lake District were at a loss as to what to do with their front gardens. Each house had one of twelve long, thin strips of land outside.
And then they had an idea – why not join the twelve gardens together? So they did.
They now have one large park and communal area, and share the space among all the residents. They share plants and produce, tools and gardening tips.
Several of the gardens have been completely joined to make one huge lawn, ideal for hosting community meals and parties. There is also a huge trampoline and space to play badminton.
Resident Kay Hebbourn says “We grow fruit and veg, and I have chickens that the neighbours’ children ‘help’ me with!”
“It’s a very low-maintenance garden, and it’s low-cost and loads of fun.”
Hoad Terrace is the winner of the Multiplication Street award, winning £500 of National Garden Gift Vouchers.
Judges thought the street was very inspiring and unusual, and loved that the residents used their gardens for the benefit of the whole street. They praised not just the number of houses involved, but the level of commitment and community spirit that shone through.
Kay added “We always says that if we won the lottery, we wouldn’t move. There are some things money can’t buy, and community is one of them!”
Congratulations to everyone on Hoad Terrace!
See the 2014 Regional Winners and Special Category Winners.