David Domoney

Tag: community gardening

  • 2014 Transformation Street Winners – That Bloomin’ Triangle

    2014 Transformation Street Winners – That Bloomin’ Triangle

    Cultivation Street 2014 transformation street toxteth-that-bloomin-triangle

    Toxteth in Liverpool has become increasingly derelict and unoccupied since the riots in the 1980s. Helen Hebden lives in the Granby Triangle, a group of four streets that is heavily unoccupied.

    Ten years ago, some remaining residents decided to take control of the area by planting and greening-up the voids. They spruced up their own front gardens, and then went on to do the gardens of the derelict houses too.

    Cultivation Street 2014 winners transformation toxteth that bloomin triangle

    They brightened up the streets with colourful plants, and painted all the front doors too.

    Three years ago, one of the terraces was destroyed, leaving the residents with a third of an acre of rubble and dust. Undeterred, they began to prettify this eyesore too.

    2 Seeding Ducie Street April 2011 Cultivation Street Transformation 2014

    They clubbed together to rake it over and sowed wildflower seeds. It is now a rich and thriving wildflower meadow with over 50 different flower species recorded there.

    That Blooming Triangle Toxteth Granby Triangle Cultivation Street 2014

    Helen says “This project has forged friendships and strengthened our community. It is a joy to all who pass by, as well as the residents remaining on the streets.”

    They now have a community group and meet regularly for events and parties.

    That Bloomin’ Triangle won the Transformation Street Award, winning £500 of National Garden Gift Vouchers.

    Toxteth Cultivation Street 2104 winners

    Judges were overwhelmed by the dramatic transformation, and thought the choice of wildflowers was inspired, as they thrive in poor soil where other plants would struggle.

    They hailed it as an example of how gardening and community pride can completely rejuvenate an area.

    Congratulations to everyone on That Bloomin’ Triangle!

    See the 2014 Regional Winners and Special Category Winners.

  • 2014 Commmunity and Sustainability winner – Footprints Women’s Centre

    2014 Commmunity and Sustainability winner – Footprints Women’s Centre

    Sustainability and community Cultivation Street 2014 winners footprints-womens-centre Footprints Women’s Centre has been helping women and children for 22 years. It is based in the Colin Neighbourhood of Northern Ireland, a disadvantaged area with a high proportion of single parents with children under five. Footprints operates as a social enterprise, and has developed a food growing project modelled on the Transition Towns movement. They transformed an overgrown, neglected space on the grounds into a kitchen garden. Cultivation Street 2014 Footprints womens centre winner of Community and sustainability category The fresh produce they grow supplies the centre’s catering service, as well as going to households in the local community. It is also used for cookery classes and taster sessions with members. Members have now developed the garden to add a companion wildflower garden, herb garden and orchard, as well as a composting area and treehouse for the children. They have also established an Eco Adventure Club to explore ecosystems and build a ‘Critters Corner’ for the children. Cultivation Street 2014 winners Community and Sustainbility Northern Ireland Footprints is committed to sustainable living and focusses on environmental action. They harvest rainwater, build insect hotels and ‘green up’ the space by situating plants throughout the building to improve air quality. They have also installed solar panels to generate their own electricity and hot water. This reduced their energy bills and cut down their carbon consumption by 18 tonnes per year. Following this success, they now provide energy advice and environmental workshops to the centre’s users. Cultivation Street 2014 winners sustainability and community Eileen Wilson, who runs the Kitchen Garden, says “The group is not only an opportunity to connect with nature and the environment, but is also great fun and helps to form friendships.” Footprints Women’s Centre won the Community and Sustainability category, winning £1000 worth of National Garden Gift Vouchers. 2014 Cultivation Street winners Community and Sustainability Judges were overwhelmed by the quality of entries to this category, and chose Footprints because their whole approach to sustainability was multi-faceted. They were also impressed by the range of people involved in the project, and the focus on including and educating children.

    Congratulations to everyone at Footprints Women’s Centre!

    See the 2014 Regional Winners and the Special Category Winners.

  • 2014 Inspiration Street winners – Woodlands Community Garden

    2014 Inspiration Street winners – Woodlands Community Garden

    Cultivation Street 2014 inspiration street winner woodlands-community-garden

    Woodlands Community Garden has been built by the community for the community. Over the last four years they have transformed a derelict site into a thriving outdoor community centre.

    Much of the space is dedicated to raised beds, where members can grow their own veg, herbs and fruit. They hold community events to bring people together and green up the local area. They also hold Skills Swap workshops, where people offer their time to help others with things like carpentry and DIY.

    Cultivation Street 2014 Inspiration street winners Woodlands community garden

    Stuart Platt submitted an entry on behalf of his brother Colin, who has been volunteering at the garden for 15 months. Colin is 43 years old and has autism, as well as speech and learning difficulties.

    His condition means that he needs routine to give him safety, and attending the community garden has been vital for structuring his week.

    Stuart told us that because of Colin’s speech difficulties, he has never fully engaged in conversation. But since his time at the garden, this has radically changed. Colin always returns excited and with stories to tell of his work there.

    Colin watering a bed at Woodlands Community garden in Cultivation Street 2014 campaign winner

    When friends and family ask about his day at the garden, he has a desire to respond with a fuller story, and he builds longer sentences. This has meant he is communicating far more freely about other aspects of his life too.

    Stuart says this change has been staggering, and that Colin has felt welcomed and accepted at the garden. The support and respect of the workers has had a huge impact on him, and his confidence and self-esteem have grown.

    “I would say, without exaggeration, that attending the garden has been transformative for Colin and his life,” says Stuart.

    “Given the opportunity, Colin would attend the garden every day!”

    Cultivation Street 2014 woodlands garden winner of Inspiration Street award

    Woodlands Community Garden won the Inspiration Street Award, winning £500 of National Garden Gift Vouchers.

    Judges were impressed by Colin’s inspiring story and his transformation. They hailed the garden as an example of how horticulture can lead to greater inclusion. Judges also praised the idea of Skills Swaps as a way to get people in the community helping each other out.

    Congratulations to everyone at Woodlands Community Garden!

    See the 2014 Regional Winners and the Special Category Winners.